I take ''OFF'' at work today

I need to work more on my big toy's!!!
So I start with the access panel for the fuel sender. I do the cut-out in the top skin and I bend small juggle to accomodate the doubler under the skin.

Doubler in place with clecos.

I cut and trim the access plate for a perfect fit.

Okay,okay I skip some step but I cut the doubler, riveting the parts with the skin and I installed the 8-32 flush nut plate.

Et voila a almost perfect fuel sender cover!

Next phase is my windshield strip. I start working on that almost 2 weeks ago but it's the perfect timming to finish this task.
After the first try....I have a real IFR more visibility on the front!

Now is better. both side are adjusted and drill.

I put the rear canopy to see the look of my beast. I have more work to accomplish on the canopy. Lot of cutting and lot of sanding.

After a perfect day ''shit hit the fan'' >:(

I do nothing...I just put the canopy in place and...I dont know...
I do a small stop drill just for the form! I refused to installed this cracked canopy. I'm so desapointed
I'm able to glue the canopy but I dont want to change this big parts when the plane was in flying condition. (in case if the crack continu)
This bubble canopy was brand new but old. Lot of bad hole and lot of bad cutting. The older owner try to install this big piece but he has no skill to doing that.
Tomorrow I call MustangAero to take information about new glass and the quote for the parts and the shipping...
Beer time now!
Chin, Chin!!!