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T-18 Questions
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Author:  TomLynch [ Sun Mar 27, 2022 12:13 am ]
Post subject:  T-18 Questions

Hi All,

I am considering a T-18 project and have been studying my plans and the Newsletters for the last few months. My intention is to build a relatively simple and light T-18 with an O-320 and stick to the plans as much as possible. I have got several questions?

Harvey Mickelson has written several NL articles and another article in Sport Aviation about the modifications he made to T-18, including using a Riblett aerofoil. My understanding of the GA35U-A315 is that only the nose rib of the standard T-18 wing is changed. Does anyone have experience with the Riblett aerofoil on a T-18? Is there any improvement compared to a T-18 with stall strips?

I have read Tom Kern's article in NL82 reporting the improvement in stalling characteristic with stall strips. I have also seen stall videos of a T-18 without stall strips (very abrupt). Does anyone have a video showing the stall characteristics with stall strips installed?

505-3 Seat Angle/Lowering seat. I have sat in a T-18, I was very comfortable and fit fine even with the canopy closed. However my head was just above the canopy frame/roll bar which I am uncomfortable with. Iā€™m about 5ā€™ 11ā€. In NL12 Thorp says that the 505-3 angle allows a seat type parachute to be used. Has anyone used the 505-3 angles to allow a lower seat position? Is there any other way of lowering the seat, I would only want a couple of inches more headroom.

I look forward to participating in the T-18 community.

Kind Regards,

Author:  fytrplt [ Sun Mar 27, 2022 5:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: T-18 Questions

The S-18 wing has benign stall. I have had both the T and S wing on my plane and there is a marked difference. I am 6' 1" and fit fine. My roll bar is raised 3/4", as are most built today. Welcome aboard!

Author:  Ryan Allen [ Sun Mar 27, 2022 7:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: T-18 Questions

Maybe an in ear type headset would give you some extra headroom as well. As far as the stall, I only have anecdotal info. The T18 stall is crisp, but it recovers almost instantly. My plane stalls straight ahead. I would not let the stall keep you from the T18.

Author:  david read [ Sun Mar 27, 2022 8:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: T-18 Questions

My standard T-18 has the LDS-2 airfoil which is only a change in the nose ribs. The stall is a non event. There is a bit of stick shake a few mph ahead of the stall and then the front end just mushes over. I recently had a project with the original airfoil that had quite and abrupt stall until I added the stall strips and it changed it into a completely different animal at the stall, now it is benign as well.

Author:  TomLynch [ Sun Apr 10, 2022 12:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: T-18 Questions

Thanks for the replies, I am arranging a flight in the T-18 so that I get to see the stall characteristics myself.

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