Thorp Air Command -

Thorp Dues
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Author:  Scott Stine [ Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Thorp Dues

Lee, Administrator, Commander of air command,

The new forum format is looking good, More functionality, and seems easy to navigate. Some of the new features are really cool and once the pics are repopulated and new ones are loaded it will be even be better. Wondering if the $25 bucks suggested donation is covering the cost. If not, bump it up, or make the donation amount adjustable. Seems to me the dues have been the same for a long time. Guessing that the web service isnt free. Hopefully you are not burning postage on those of us who just read the newsletter online and dont need a hard copy.

BTW, had a guy the other day who hurt himself having his url automatically parsed, so be careful guys.......not sure what any of that stuff means at the bottom of the post options...


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