Thorp Air Command -

Trutrak Eco autopilot
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Author:  Pilotjk [ Mon Nov 09, 2015 9:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Trutrak Eco autopilot

Anyone try the new Trutrak Eco autopilot yet? Looks like a good simple autopilot for $1000,

Author:  dan [ Tue Nov 10, 2015 9:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Trutrak Eco autopilot

Hi John, I hadn't seen this new auto pilot so I checked it out(what info they have for now anyway). It is innovative, and simple. I wouldn't mind putting the aileron tab on as I do already have an electric trim so I could use it on the other wing. However I don't think I would put a tab like that on the Thorp Tab, Chime in here on this one Cubes, I am not an expert on this but modifying the Thorp tab would seem to be probably not good?........Kudos to the imaginary who thought this system up, no doubt it will be widely used very successfully on a lot of birds....Dan

Author:  James Grahn [ Wed Nov 11, 2015 11:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Trutrak Eco autopilot

Lyle Trusty came out with some plans for tabs. He was very specific on a few points. One of them being not to put a load (weight) on the aileron. I've been asked to supply his plans. Might have to look into that. Been swamped lately with a five hour drive to do an annual, and helping with a first flight soon.

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